steering rack

2010 LA Auto Show (Part 4)

NICOclub covers the new offerings from Nissan and Infiniti at the 2010 Los Angeles Auto Show.

14 years ago

Infiniti Steering Rack Information

Like so many modern components on our cars, the Infiniti steering rack can be a sneaky little bugger to diagnose.…

15 years ago

S13 Power Steering Rack Replacement

Nissan 240sx S13 Steering Rack Replacement: So, you have a crappy or blown rack? Time to replace it? Difficulty: ***Time:…

15 years ago

How to: Modifying a S13 240SX steering rack for manual steering

From the factory, the Nissan 240SX came with hydraulically assisted power steering. For a street car this is a tried…

15 years ago